Our book stall

Our book stall was built by Anthony, and features all the Numberline Lane characters made from felt by Fiona. Unfortunately the felt people aren't available for sale yet, as they took a long time to make!

Click on any of the picture below to see larger versions of them.

Worthing Stall Fiona on our book stall at the Craft Show at Worthing Pavilion Theatre, 20 and 21 November 2004.
Arundel Stall Fiona on our book stall at the Noddy & Friends event at Arundel Castle, 4 July 2004. Books 8-10 hadn't arrived back from the printers in time for the show, but we had some mock-ups!
Arundel Stall 2 Another view of the book stall.
Parham Stall Our book stall at the first craft show we attended, Live Crafts at Parham House, 17 August 2003. We only had books 1 to 5 printed by then, but sales went very well indeed!
Parham Stall 2 Some interested customers at Parham, and Fiona and Anthony in their custom t-shirts!

Website by Fonant
Last update 8 Mar 2021